Wednesday, 28 May 2014

BABY BLOG - 5 Natural Recipes to help you and your baby

Your long awaited precious baby is here at last...cuddles, feed more cuddles you have dreamt of this moment for so long and its all wonderful.             

You change nappies, you bath this tiny little person and you sit down and cuddle while you feed, all is perfect and you expect this little contented bundle to fall fast asleep because you are exhausted and need to rest or sleep to. For some reason baby has other ideas and begins to cry and for some-one so small the cries are piercing and loud, you check the nappy – no thats OK, its wind perhaps so you walk around patting her back and she screams louder – she’s still hungry thats it, so you try to feed her more but the screaming carries on. You are at a lost as to whats wrong or what you can do to just stop this noise so you put her back into her bed and walk away. The crying continues and you can hear it even though you shut the door – what can you do, it always happens when all you want is sleep yourself.

Have you thought of trying these simple but natural ways :

1. Baby Massage

Ingredients :
30ml Grapeseed Oil or Coconut Oil 
1 drop Roman Chamomile or Lavender Essential Oil                                                                                                                                                                                 
Gentle massage your babies arms, legs and feet using the oil. Gradually massage the chest and tummy area. Turn baby over and gently massage the back area. Just gentle movements, lightly across the skin.
Aroma Natural  Baby Massage Oil

2. Baby Bath

Add just one drop of Roman Chamomile to the bath water

3. Baby Water

Throw away your commercial baby wipes that are full of chemicals and use your own natural ones. You can make your own easily and cheapily using disposable cotton wool, kitchen roll or re-usable squares of soft cotton. Here is what you will need :
Ingredients :
250ml Floral Water i.e. Roman Chamomile or Lavender
20ml Aloe Vera Juice                                                                                                                                            
This is so gentle and mild it can be used on baby bottoms and faces.

4. Diffuser 

One drop of your baby massage oil in your diffuser. Do not put undiluted essential oil into the water as its to strong for tiny babies.

5. Room Spray

Spray the nursery with a natural Calming/Relaxing Room Spray before you put baby to bed
Ingredients :

100ml Water
A few drops of Lavender and Roman Chamomile                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Place in a bottle with an atomiser top, shake before every use.

N.B. Please be careful when using essential oils on tiny babies as oils are extremely powerful. Only use Lavender, Chamomile and Dill

Below is a list of oils that are safe for babies and children :

Newborn  : Lavender, Chamomile and Dill

2-6mths  : Chamomile, Lavender, Mandarin, Dill, Eucalyptus, Neroli, Tea Tree, Geranium, Rose Otto
7mth-1yr : Chamomile, Lavender, Mandarin, Dill, Eucalyptus, Neroli, Tea Tree, Geranium, Rose Otto, Palma Rosa, Petitgrain, Tangerine, Cardamon
2yr - 5yr  : Chamomile, Lavender, Mandarin, Dill, Eucalyptus, Neroli, Tea Tree, Geranium, Rose Otto, Palma Rosa, Petitgrain, Tangerine, Cardamon, *Thyme linalol, Ginger, Lemon, Grapefruit, Ravensara, Coriander
* Thyme essential oil is to powerful for children but Thyme linalol is a great alternative.
Care must be taken at all times when using essential oils on children.

Essential Oils can be found at Aroma Natural

For any base oils please contact Diane at Aroma Natural who can advise and help you


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