Monday, 3 June 2013

SEA BUCKTHORN OIL - An amazing super oil

Sea Buckthorn is becoming incresingly popular for its impressive range of healing properties – the flowers, fruits, leaves and oils from the seeds are all used in natural remedies. It is now known as a super fruit. Although it has not been used much here until recently it has been used for thousand of years by the Tibetans.

Some of Sea Buckthorns amazing properties are : 14 Essential Vitamins
Omega 3,6,9 and the rare 7
Super charged anti-oxidants
Hundreds of nutrients
Anti-inflammatory properties
Vegan friendly
In fact it is one fruit that contains nearly everything the body needs!

Sea Buckthorn is a true skin healer being ideal for treating burns, cuts, wounds and any other skin damage. Its invaluable in skin care products as it goes deep into the skin to hydrate at a cellular level leaving your skin soft and supple, reducing the effects of lines and wrinkles. Omega 7, the rarest of the naturally occuring omegas is a key building block of healthy skin, hair and nails.
Relieve most skin ailments with this amazing Sea Buckthorn Oil :
Dry Skin
Lines & wrinkles
Radiation damage
Look out for this amazing oil. If you are interested in buying this oil Contact me at Aroma Natural as we will be adding this oil to our website :

You can get more information from the Sea Buckthorn Insider at :

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