Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Moisturiser - Whats in Yours

Many people will scan food labels for harmful additives but will not think scanning moisturiser labels which often contain harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances.
Globally we spend in excess of £100 billion a year on these products looking for a magical quick-fix moisturiser to make us look sexier and younger. Moisturisers can cost anything from £2.99 to way over £100 and promises on packages are so seductive that we often believe the more expensive the moisturiser  the quicker we will eradicate wrinkles and lines that appear naturally with age. It is possible to ‘plump out’ wrinkles with chemicals that make them temporarily disappear and moisturisers that contain ‘film formers’ that appear to make your skin look smooth – usually this is a silicone product or Teflon product! We all quickly take of the lid and smell the ingredients, if we like the smell we like the product regardless of the use of harmful, synthetic chemically made fragrances.

A moisturiser helps your skin to retain moisture and slow down water loss – dry, windy weather conditions, central heating, smoking and chemical skin care products all help to accelerate this. Your facial skin is thinner than anywhere else on your body and absorbs up to 60% of the chemicals it comes in contact with. This is absorbed into the bloodstream and within seconds to the major body organs.

Use natural, organic skin care products blended with natural essential oils and adopt a natural, healthy eating regime and excersise to keep your skin in tip top condition. Allow your skin to absorb natural oils and butters and use essential oils to make them smell lovely as well as being therapeutic for the skin. Anti-ageing essential oils like Rose Otto, Geranium and Lavender not only smell wonderful but do actually help keep your skin soft and supple, naturally.

Below is a list of natural, organic oils and butters that can be used in a chemical free, paraben free moisturiser :
Almond Oil      Coconut Oil      Coco Butter      Evening Primrose Oil      Grapeseed Oil                  Hempseed Oil    Jojoba             Olive Oil                      Sunflower  Shea Butter     Wheatgerm Oil    

Emulsifiers are used to combine the oil and water in your moisturiser. Natural ones are :
Beeswax      Cetearyl alcohol      Xanthum Gum

Aroma Natural Moisturisers are completely safe, natural and organic. We do not attach a huge price tag to them but encourage people to look after their skin and the environment, naturally.

Ingredients to avoid :      
Propylene glycol      Octyl dodecanol      Lactic acid      Dimethione      Isopropyl myristate                 Acrylates                Glycolic acid    Hexyl decanol

We can provide you with these base oils, i.e. Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Coco Butter, Sunflower Oil, Grapeseed Oil and Evening Primrose - please email us or phone us with your order
7th January, 2014

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